I spent a weekend pulling all patchwork fabrics out of various boxes, cupboards and drawers and sorting it into piles. I then auditioned each pile to decide what should stay and what should be passed on. I was VERY good and parted with nearly a whole carrier bag full!!! It has now all been put away in bags and takes up less space as it is tidy. I shall have to live to at least 150 to be able to use it all.
Here is the pink and white quilt I am making for a young lady who is now 7 months old. I am stuck for the backing hence the sorting out of all fabrics exercise to see if I had anything. I may have to wait for the Malvern Quilt show in May to get the right fabric.
I found some very random fabrics including some with courgettes, spinach, asparagus and sprouts on. I have made these into shopping bags so will never need a plastic carrier again.
This is a small piece of my procion dyed silks hand stitched together. I am trying to get a worn, washed out effect and will be adding more stitch, snippets of threads etc
These are copper sheets which have had pieces waterjet cut from them. I am now trying to decide how to use them. I think I will get the top one bent so the uncut piece becomes a base. I may bend the middle one down the centre and use it to display stitched pieces by hanging them over the horizontal bars a bit like an old fashioned clothes airer. I like the idea of the pieces overhanging one another with all sorts of torn and frayed edges mixing together. It would also be changeable and I can add to it over time. I think the lower piece needs to be curled around into a sort of wave shape after weaving it with 'things'.
and finally:
Here is the cake I helped my son to make last night. It is a Hulk coloured Minion with a Captain America hood, a hologram H a la Rimmer from Red Dwarf and will have a Captain America shield made from gingerbread!